Before you begin to write your timeline please take a moment to read the following:
- Please submit the timeline in a word or .rtf document, or pasted into the body of an e-mail. DO NOT submit as an excel or other type of spreadsheet or pDF document.
- Please integrate all information into one chronological listing (eg. Combine vaccinsations with other timeline vents), DO NOT group by category
- Start with the most recent events and work backwards to birth and any pre-birth issues that may have occurred. See example on next page for format preferred.
The following is a list of the type of things that need to be included on your timeline.
- Pre-birth: any drugs, alcohol, smoking or severe illnesses in mother (particularly of a viral nature); also consider any emotional shocks to mother during pregnancy or in mother/father at time of conception (see section on emotional traumas below); ultrasound or other invasive testing.
- Birth: Mother had difficult labour; forceps used; use of anaesthetics on mother; late breathing or other possible oxygen deprivation, ultrasound, amniocentesis.
- Vaccinations: Dates, if possible of first vaccination of each kind received (include booster shots).
- Accidents: car accidents, falls, blows to head, concussions, broken bones, animal bites.
- Surgical interventions: e.g., tonsils, appendix, adenoids, dental, abdominal (including Caesarean sections); circumcision, vasectomy, hysterectomy.
- Drug Use: antibiotics, anti-depressants, recreational drugs etc.
- Hormones: birth control pill, hormone replacement therapy, IVF, etc.
- Severe Infections: e.g., Lyme disease, mononucleosis, Epstein-Barr, measles, chicken pox, mumps, TB, pneumonia, etc.
- Electrical Shocks: including medical treatment.
- Traumas involving loss, abandonment, grief, betrayal (e.g., death, loss of trust, relationship break-ups, loss of independence, job loss).
- Traumas involving great fear/anxiety, stress.
- Traumas involving anger and indignation/humiliation (particularly where the emotion was suppressed/"swallowed"), guilt (mostly that someone tries to put on you).
- Feelings of envy or jealousy, or guilt that you put on yourself, self-blame, shame.
- Traumas involving abuse, whether mental, emotional or sexual.
NB: Some emotional traumas can involve a combination of emotions.
The following is an example of what a timeline could look like and how we would like your timeline formatted for submission to your practitioner. Exact dates are not necessary but if known it is fine to include them (Such as dates for vaccinations, surgical procedures, births etc).
April 2014 grandmother passed away, very close with her, lots of crying
01/17/2014 MMR shot received, bad reaction, lots of swelling, very scared to receive Dec 2013 fell on ice and broke arm, had it set in hospital, x-rays but no drugs
Sept 2013 flu, missed school for two weeks, antibiotics
Summer 2013 lots of falls outside, cuts and bruises, one required stitches at hospital
June 2013 moved to new city, gried and anger about leaving home and friends